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GO: Biological Process

brevianamide F biosynthetic process

Term ID
  • brevianamide F anabolism
  • brevianamide F biosynthesis
  • brevianamide F formation
  • brevianamide F metabolic process
  • brevianamide F synthesis
  • C16H17N3O2 anabolism
  • C16H17N3O2 biosynthesis
  • C16H17N3O2 biosynthetic process
  • C16H17N3O2 formation
  • C16H17N3O2 synthesis
  • cyclo-(Trp-Pro) anabolism
  • cyclo-(Trp-Pro) biosynthesis
  • cyclo-(Trp-Pro) biosynthetic process
  • cyclo-(Trp-Pro) formation
  • cyclo-(Trp-Pro) synthesis
  • cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro anabolism
  • cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro biosynthesis
  • cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro biosynthetic process
  • cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro formation
  • cyclo-L-Trp-L-Pro synthesis
  • cyclo-L-tryptophanyl-L-proline anabolism
  • cyclo-L-tryptophanyl-L-proline biosynthesis
  • cyclo-L-tryptophanyl-L-proline biosynthetic process
  • cyclo-L-tryptophanyl-L-proline formation
  • cyclo-L-tryptophanyl-L-proline synthesis
  • L-prolyl-L-tryptophan anhydride anabolism
  • L-prolyl-L-tryptophan anhydride biosynthesis
  • L-prolyl-L-tryptophan anhydride biosynthetic process
  • L-prolyl-L-tryptophan anhydride formation
  • L-prolyl-L-tryptophan anhydride synthesis
  • L-tryptophyl-L-proline cyclic anhydride anabolism
  • L-tryptophyl-L-proline cyclic anhydride biosynthesis
  • L-tryptophyl-L-proline cyclic anhydride biosynthetic process
  • L-tryptophyl-L-proline cyclic anhydride formation
  • L-tryptophyl-L-proline cyclic anhydride synthesis
  • tryptophan-proline diketopiperazine anabolism
  • tryptophan-proline diketopiperazine biosynthesis
  • tryptophan-proline diketopiperazine biosynthetic process
  • tryptophan-proline diketopiperazine formation
  • tryptophan-proline diketopiperazine synthesis
The chemical reactions and pathways resulting in the formation of brevianamide F. Brevianamide F is the biosynthetic precursor of a large family of biologically active prenylated tryptophan-proline 2,5-diketopiperazines that are produced by some fungi. (2)
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
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