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GO: Biological Process

induction by symbiont of tumor or growth in host

Term ID
  • induction by symbiont in host of tumor, nodule, or growth
  • induction by symbiont in host of tumor, nodule, or growth containing transformed cells
  • induction by symbiont of nodulation, tumor or growth in host
  • induction of tumor, nodule, or growth containing transformed cells in other organism during symbiotic interaction
  • induction of tumor, nodule, or growth containing transformed cells in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
  • induction of tumor, nodule, or growth in other organism during symbiotic interaction
  • induction of tumor, nodule, or growth in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction
The process in which a symbiont causes the formation of a mass of cells in a host organism. While these growths are often called nodules, they are not formed as nitrogen-fixing structures, but rather to provide an environment for the symbiont to grow. In this sense they are parasitic structures rather than mutualistic.
GO: Biological Process    QuickGO    AmiGO
has parts
is a type of
Phenotype caused by Genes