Term: interrenal vessel cell
Note: This page represents a term created by the combination ("post-composition") of two ontology terms. For more information on the individual terms, click the hyperlinked name.
Name: interrenal vessel
Synonyms: IRV
Definition: The interrenal vessel (IRV) is the blood vessels supplying the interrenal gland. It is formed by sprouting from the dorsal aorta. The development of the IRV is temporally and spatially correlated with the initiation interrenal gland formation. After traversing the interrenal tissue, the IRV connects to the posterior end segment of the anterior mesenteric artery where two branches of swim bladder arteries branched out. Angiogenic sprout is visible between 34 and 48 hpf with blood flow by 3dpf.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0005801]
Name: cell
Synonyms: cells
Definition: Anatomical structure that has as its parts a maximally connected cell compartment surrounded by a plasma membrane.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009000]