Term: | leukocyte mitochondrion |
Note: | This page represents a term created by the combination ("post-composition") of two ontology terms. For more information on the individual terms, click the hyperlinked name. |
Name: | leukocyte |
Synonyms: | immune cell, leucocyte, white blood cell |
Definition: | An achromatic cell of the myeloid or lymphoid lineages, found in blood or other tissue. |
Ontology: | Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0009309] |
Name: | mitochondrion |
Synonyms: | mitochondria |
Definition: | A semiautonomous, self replicating organelle that occurs in varying numbers, shapes, and sizes in the cytoplasm of virtually all eukaryotic cells. It is notably the site of tissue respiration. |
Ontology: | GO: Cellular Component [GO:0005739] QuickGO AmiGO |