Genomic Feature
- ID
- ZDB-ALT-031030-18
- Name
- nt8
- Synonyms
- None
- Affected Genomic Region
- Construct
- None
- Type
- unknown
- Protocol
- adult males treated with ENU
- Lab of Origin
- University of Notre Dame Center for Zebrafish Research
- Current Source
- Other Pages
No data available
No data available
- Variant Type
- Unknown
- Variant Location
- Unmapped
- Nucleotide change
- Variant Notes
- None
Effect on DNA/cDNA, transcript, protein (from publications)
- DNA/cDNA Change
- None
- Transcript Consequence
- None
- Protein Consequence
- None
- Flanking Sequence
- None
- Additional Sequence
- None
Supplemental Information
- Genotyping protocol
- None
- Alvarez, Y., Cederlund, M.L., Cottell, D.C., Bill, B.R., Ekker, S.C., Torres-Vazquez, J., Weinstein, B.M., Hyde, D.R., Vihtelic, T.S., and Kennedy, B.N. (2007) Genetic determinants of hyaloid and retinal vasculature in zebrafish. BMC Developmental Biology. 7(1):114
- Vihtelic, T.S. and Hyde, D.R. (2002) Zebrafish mutagenesis yields eye morphological mutants with retinal and lens defects. Vision Research. 42(4):535-540
- Vihtelic, T.S., Yamamoto, Y., Sweeney, M.T., Jeffery, W.R., and Hyde, D.R. (2001) Arrested differentiation and epithelial cell degeneration in zebrafish lens mutants. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 222(4):625-636
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