Corrigendum to: "Inhibition of Fgf signaling in short bowel syndrome increases weight loss and epithelial proliferation." [surgery volume 161, number 3 (2017) 694-703]
- Authors
- Schall, K.A., Holoyda, K.A., Isani, M., Lien, C.L., Alam, D.A., Grikscheit, T.C.
- ID
- ZDB-PUB-220906-95
- Date
- 2018
- Source
- Surgery 163: 1330-1331 (Other)
- Registered Authors
- Keywords
- none
- MeSH Terms
- none
- PubMed
- 29452701 Full text @ Surgery
Schall, K.A., Holoyda, K.A., Isani, M., Lien, C.L., Alam, D.A., Grikscheit, T.C. (2018) Corrigendum to: "Inhibition of Fgf signaling in short bowel syndrome increases weight loss and epithelial proliferation." [surgery volume 161, number 3 (2017) 694-703]. Surgery. 163:1330-1331.
We recently reviewed our manuscript and identified two errors: in Fig 2 Panel A, this should have reported the PCR data for erm to confirm the heatshock treatment resulted in decreasing downstream effectors of Fgf signaling. Additionally, the fgfr1 primers were not for qRT-PCR as reported. Expression of Fgfr1 downstream target, erm was examined by qRT-PCR instead. This does not change the fact that the heatshock model was successful or change the conclusions of the paper, but we would like to correct the record.
Errata / Notes
This article corrects ZDB-PUB-161025-12 .
Genes / Markers
Mutations / Transgenics
Human Disease / Model
Sequence Targeting Reagents
Engineered Foreign Genes