
Henrich, Thorsten

Person ID
EMBL Heidelberg Meyerhofstr. 1 Heidelberg, 69117 Germany
Biography and Research Interest
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Schartl, M., Nanda, I., Kondo, M., Schmid, M., Asakawa, S., Sasaki, T., Shimizu, N., Henrich, T., Wittbrodt, J., Furutani-Seiki, M., Kondoh, H., Himmelbauer, H., Hong, Y., Koga, A., Nonaka, M., Mitani, H., Shima, A. (2004) Current status of medaka genetics and genomics. The Medaka Genome Initiative (MGI). Methods Cell Biol. 77:173-99. PMID: 15602912

Quiring, R., Wittbrodt, B., Henrich, T., Ramialison, M., Burgtorf, C., Lehrach, H., Wittbrodt, J. (2004) Large-scale expression screening by automated whole-mount in situ hybridization. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):971-976. PMID: 15210201

Aizawa, K., Mitani, H., Kogure, N., Shimada, A., Hirose, Y., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Yasuoka, A., Yoda, H., Watanabe, T., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Deguchi, T., Hennrich, T., Todo, T., Shima, A., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Identification of radiation-sensitive mutants in the Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):895-902. PMID: 15210194

Morinaga, C., Tomonaga, T., Sasado, T., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Yasuoka, A., Henrich, T., Watanabe, T., Deguchi, T., Yoda, H., Hirose, Y., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Okamoto, Y., Yamanaka, T., Shinomiya, A., Tanaka, M., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting gonadal development in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):829-839. PMID: 15210189

Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Niwa, K., Shinomiya, A., Yasuoka, A., Suwa, H., Hirose, Y., Yoda, H., Henrich, T., Deguchi, T., Iwanami, N., Watanabe, T., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Okamoto, Y., Kota, Y., Yamanaka, T., Tanaka, M., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting early distribution of primordial germ cells in Medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryo. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):817-828. PMID: 15210188

Watanabe, T., Asaka, S., Kitagawa, D., Saito, K., Kurashige, R., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Henrich, T., Hirose, Y., Yasuoka, A., Yoda, H., Deguchi, T., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Loosli, F., Quiring, R., Carl, M., Grabher, C., Winkler, S., Del Bene, F., Wittbrodt, J., Abe, K., Takahama, Y., Takahashi, K., Katada, T., Nishina, H., Kondoh, H., and Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting liver development and function in Medaka, Oryzias latipes, screened by multiple criteria. Mech. Dev.. 121(7-8):791-802

Iwanami, N., Takahama, Y., Kunimatsu, S., Li, J., Takei, R., Ishikura, Y., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Yasuoka, A., Deguchi, T., Hirose, Y., Yoda, H., Henrich, T., Ohara, O., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting thymus organogenesis in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):779-789. PMID: 15210185

Yasuoka, A., Hirose, Y., Yoda, H., Aihara, Y., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Deguchi, T., Henrich, T., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Abe, K., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting the formation of posterior lateral line system in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):729-738. PMID: 15210180

Yoda, H., Hirose, Y., Yasuoka, A., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Deguchi, T., Henrich, T., Iwanami, N., Watanabe, T., Osakada, M., Kunimatsu, S., Wittbrodt, J., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Okamoto, Y., Yamanaka, T., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting retinotectal axonal pathfinding in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech Dev. 121(7-8):715-728. PMID: 15210179

Loosli, F., Bene, F.D., Quiring, R., Rembold, M., Martinez-Morales, J.R., Carl, M., Grabher, C., Iquel, C., Krone, A., Wittbrodt, B., Winkler, S., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Henrich, T., Deguchi, T., Hirose, Y., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Watanabe, T., Yasuoka, A., Yoda, H., Winkler, C., Elmasri, H., Kondoh, H., Furutani-Seiki, M., and Wittbrodt, J. (2004) Mutations affecting retina development in Medaka. Mech. Dev.. 121(7-8):703-714

Kitagawa, D., Watanabe, T., Saito, K., Asaka, S., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Yasuoka, A., Deguchi, T., Yoda, H., Hirose, Y., Henrich, T., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Winkler, C., Elmasri, H., Wittbrodt, J., Loosli, F., Quiring, R., Carl, M., Grabher, C., Winkler, S., Del Bene, F., Momoi, A., Katada, T., Nishina, H., Kondoh, H., and Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Genetic dissection of the formation of the forebrain in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech. Dev.. 121(7-8):673-685

Elmasri, H., Winkler, C., Liedtke, D., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Henrich, T., Hirose, Y., Yasuoka, A., Yoda, H., Watanabe, T., Deguchi, T., Iwanami, N., Kunimatsu, S., Osakada, M., Loosli, F., Quiring, R., Carl, M., Grabher, C., Winkler, S., Del Bene, F., Wittbrodt, J., Abe, K., Takahama, Y., Takahashi, K., Katada, T., Nishina, H., Kondoh, H., and Furutani-Seiki, M. (2004) Mutations affecting somite formation in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes). Mech. Dev.. 121(7-8):659-671

Furutani-Seiki, M., Sasado, T., Morinaga, C., Suwa, H., Niwa, K., Yoda, H., Deguchi, T., Hirose, Y., Yasuoka, A., Henrich, T., Watanabe, T., Iwanami, N., Kitagawa, D., Saito, K., Asaka, S., Osakada, M., Kunimatsu, S., Momoi, A., Elmasri, H., Winkler, C., Ramialison, M., Loosli, F., Quiring, R., Carl, M., Grabher, C., Winkler, S., Del Bene, F., Shinomiya, A., Kota, Y., Yamanaka, T., Okamoto, Y., Takahashi, K., Todo, T., Abe, K., Takahama, Y., Tanaka, M., Mitani, H., Katada, T., Nishina, H., Nakajima, N., Wittbrodt, J., and Kondoh, H. (2004) A systematic genome-wide screen for mutations affecting organogenesis in Medaka, Oryzias latipes. Mech. Dev.. 121(7-8):647-658

Grabher, C., Henrich, T., Sasado, T., Arenz, A., Wittbrodt, J., Furutani-Seiki, M. (2003) Transposon-mediated enhancer trapping in medaka. Gene. 322:57-66. Erratum in: Gene. 2004 Mar 3;327(2):239. PMID: 14644497

Henrich, T.J., Hutchaleelaha, S., Jiwariyavej, V., Barbazan, P., Nitatpattana, N., Yoksan, S., Gonzalez, J.P. (2003) Geographic dynamics of viral encephalitis in Thailand. Microbes Infect. 5(7):603-11. PMID: 12787736

Henrich, T., Ramialison, M., Quiring, R., Wittbrodt, B., Furutani-Seiki, M., Wittbrodt, J., Kondoh, H. (2003) Medaka Expression Pattern Database. MEPD: a Medaka gene expression pattern database. Nucleic Acids Res. 31(1):72-4. PMID: 12519950

Nitatpattana, N., Henrich, T., Palabodeewat, S., Tangkanakul, W., Poonsuksombat, D., Chauvancy, G., Barbazan, P., Yoksan, S., Gonzalez, J.P. (2002) Hantaan virus antibody prevalence in rodent populations of several provinces of northeastern Thailand. Trop Med Int Health. 7(10):840-5. PMID: 12358618

Loosli, F., Winkler, S., Burgtorf, C., Wurmbach, E., Ansorge, W., Henrich, T., Grabher, C., Arendt, D., Carl, M., Krone, A., Grzebisz, E., and Wittbrodt, J. (2001) Medaka eyeless is the key factor linking retinal determination and eye growth. Development. 128(20):4035-4044

Loosli, F., Koster, R.W., Carl, M., Kuhnlein, R., Henrich, T., Mucke, M., Krone, A., Wittbrodt, J. (2000) A genetic screen for mutations affecting embryonic development in medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Mech Dev. 97(1-2):133-139. PMID: 11025214

Winkler, S., Loosli, F., Henrich, T., Wakamatsu, Y., Wittbrodt, J. (2000) The conditional medaka mutation eyeless uncouples patterning and morphogenesis of the eye. Development. 127(9):1911-9. PMID: 10751179

Henrich, T., Wittbrodt, J. (2000) An in situ hybridization screen for the rapid isolation of differentially expressed genes. Dev Genes Evol. 210(1):28-33. PMID: 10603084

Nguyen, V., Deschet, K., Henrich, T., Godet, E., Joly, J.S., Wittbrodt, J., Chourrout, D., Bourrat, F. (1999) Morphogenesis of the optic tectum in the medaka (Oryzias latipes): a morphological and molecular study, with special emphasis on cell proliferation. J Comp Neurol. 413(3):385-404. PMID: 10502247