Brown, Nadean L.
Biography and Research Interest
Vertebrate eye development
Eye evolution
Eye evolution
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Brown, N.L., Kanekar,S., Vetter, M.L., Tucker, P.K., Gemza, D.L. and Glaser, T. (1998). Math5 encodes a murine basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor expressed during early stages of neurogenesis.Development 125: 4821-4833.
Brown, N.L., S.Patel, J. Brzezinski and T. Glaser. (2001). Math5 is required for retinal ganglion cell and optic nerve formation. Development 128: 2497-2508.
Tucker, P., L. Laemle, A. Munson, S. Kanekar, E. Oliver, N. L. Brown, H. Schlecht, M. Vetter and T. Glaser. (2001). The eyeless mouse mutation (ey1) removes an alternative start codon from the Rx/rax homeobox gene and acts as a hypomorphic allele. Genesis 31: 43-53.
Vetter, M.L. and N.L. Brown. (2001). The Role of Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Genes in Vertebrate Retinogenesis. Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology. 12: 491-498.
Brown, N.L., S.L. Dagenais, C.M. Chen, and T. Glaser. (2002) Molecular Characterization and Mapping of ATH5/ATOH7, a Human atonal Homolog. Mammalian Genome 132(2): 95-101.