
Brennan, Caroline

Person ID
Brennan Lab
School of Biological Sciences Queen Mary College University of London Mile End Road London, E1 4NS United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Office: 44-20-7882-3011, Lab: 44-20-7882-5555 ext. 4107
Biography and Research Interest
During development of a vertebrate embryo a series of inductive interactions and cellular rearrangements establish the body plan. One process that is critical for proper organisation of the body is segmentation of the mesoderm. My laboratory is studying cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying segmentation and differentiation of the mesoderm with an emphasis on cell-cell signalling by members of the Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and other signalling molecules such as calcium.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Bell. JD, Barnard. ML, Parkes. HG, Thomas. EL, Brennan. CH, Cunnane. SC, Dagnelie. PC (1996) Effects of n-3 fatty acids on the NMR profile of plasma lipoproteins. J Lipid Res 37(8): 1664-1674.

Verhoeven.AJM, Woods.A, Brennan.CH, Hawley.SA, Hardie.DG, Scott.J, Beri.RK, Carling.D. (1995) The AMP-activated protein-kinase gene is highly expressed in rat skeletal-muscle - alternative splicing and tissue distribution of the messenger-RNA European Journal of Biochemistry, 228, (2) : 236-243

Carling.D, Aguan.K, Woods.A, Verhoeven.AJM, Beri.RK, Brennan.CH, Sidebottom.C, Davison.MD, Scott.J (1994). Mammalian amp-activated protein-kinase is homologous to yeast and plant protein-kinases involved in the regulation of carbon metabolism. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269, (15):11442-11448.

Littleton. J., Brennan. C. (1993) Adaptive changes in numbers of calcium channels in drug dependence. Biochem Soc Symp 50:193-203

Brennan.CH, Littleton.JM. (1991) Chronic exposure to anxiolytic drugs, working by different mechanisms causes up-regulation of dihydropyridine binding-sites on cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Neuropharmacology, 30, (2):199-205

Brennan.CH, Crabbe.J, Littleton.JM.(1990) Genetic-regulation of dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels in brain may determine susceptibility to physical-dependence on alcohol. Neuropharmacology, 29, (5) : 429-432

Brennan.CH, Littleton.JM (1990) 2nd messengers involved in genetic-regulation of the number of calcium channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells in culture. Neuropharmacology, 29(7): 689-693

Brennan.CH, Lewis.A, Littleton.JM (1989). Membrane-receptors involved in up-regulation of calcium channels in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells chronically exposed to ethanol Neuropharmacology, 28, (12) :1303-1307

Harper.JC, Brennan.CH, Littleton.JM (1989) Genetic up-regulation of calcium channels in a cellular-model of ethanol dependence. Neuropharmacology, 28 (12) :1299-1302

Brennan.CH,Guppy.L.J., Littleton.JM (1989) Chronic exposure to ethanol increases dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channels in excitable cells Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 560, (JUN):467-469

Littleton. JM, Harper. JC, Brennan. CH, Guppy.LJ. (1988). Adaptation in membrane Ca2+ channels as a basis for alcohol-related pathology. Australian Drug and Alcohol Reviews. 7 :35-38

Hudspith.MJ, Brennan.CH, Charles.S, Littleton.JM.(1987) Dihydropyridine-sensitive-Ca2+ -channels and inositol phospholipid- metabolism in ethanol physical-dependence Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 492, (.APR):.156-170