ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-960805-303
Korsching, Sigrun
Email: Sigrun.Korsching@uni-koeln.de
URL: http://www.genetik.uni-koeln.de/groups/Korsching/index.html
Affiliation: Molecular and Systems Neurobiology Group
Address: Universität zu Köln Institut für Genetik Zuelpicher Str. 47 Köln, 50674 Germany
Country: Germany
Phone: 49-221-470-4843
Fax: 49-221-470-5172

Neuronal encoding and pattern formation in the olfactory nervous system of zebrafish

Abu Obaid, A., Ivandic, I., Korsching, S.I. (2024) Deciphering the function of the fifth class of Gα proteins: regulation of ionic homeostasis as unifying hypothesis. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 81:213213
Dieris, M., Kowatschew, D., Hassenklöver, T., Manzini, I., Korsching, S.I. (2024) Calcium imaging of adult olfactory epithelium reveals amines as important odor class in fish. Cell and tissue research. 396(1):95-102
Birdal, G., D'Gama, P.P., Jurisch-Yaksi, N., Korsching, S.I. (2023) Expression of taste sentinels, T1R, T2R, and PLCß2, on the passageway for olfactory signals in zebrafish. Chemical senses. 48:
Kowatschew, D., Bozorg Nia, S., Hassan, S., Ustinova, J., Weth, F., Korsching, S.I. (2022) Spatial organization of olfactory receptor gene choice in the complete V1R-related ORA family of zebrafish. Scientific Reports. 12:14816
Kowatschew, D., Korsching, S.I. (2021) An ancient adenosine receptor gains olfactory function in bony vertebrates. Genome biology and evolution. 13(9)
Behrens, M., Di Pizio, A., Redel, U., Meyerhof, W., Korsching, S.I. (2020) At the root of T2R gene evolution: Recognition profiles of coelacanth and zebrafish bitter receptors. Genome biology and evolution. 13(1)
Sharma, K., Balfanz, S., Baumann, A., Korsching, S. (2018) Full rescue of an inactive olfactory receptor mutant by elimination of an allosteric ligand-gating site. Scientific Reports. 8:9631
Ahuja, G., Reichel, V., Kowatschew, D., Syed, A.S., Kotagiri, A.K., Oka, Y., Weth, F., Korsching, S.I. (2018) Overlapping but distinct topology for zebrafish V2R-like olfactory receptors reminiscent of odorant receptor spatial expression zones. BMC Genomics. 19:383
Dieris, M., Ahuja, G., Krishna, V., Korsching, S.I. (2017) A single identified glomerulus in the zebrafish olfactory bulb carries the high-affinity response to death-associated odor cadaverine. Scientific Reports. 7:40892
Sharma, K., Ahuja, G., Hussain, A., Balfanz, S., Baumann, A., Korsching, S.I. (2016) Elimination of a ligand gating site generates a supersensitive olfactory receptor. Scientific Reports. 6:28359
Saraiva, L.R., Ahuja, G., Ivandic, I., Syed, A.S., Marioni, J.C., Korsching, S.I., Logan, D.W. (2015) Molecular and neuronal homology between the olfactory systems of zebrafish and mouse. Scientific Reports. 5:11487
Ahuja, G., Korsching, S. (2014) Zebrafish olfactory receptor ORA1 recognizes a putative reproductive pheromone. Communicative & integrative biology. 7(5)
Behrens, M., Frank, O., Rawel, H., Ahuja, G., Potting, C., Hofmann, T., Meyerhof, W., Korsching, S. (2014) ORA1, a zebrafish olfactory receptor ancestral to all mammalian V1R genes, recognizes 4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, a putative reproductive pheromone. The Journal of biological chemistry. 289(28):19778-19788
Ahuja, G., Nia, S.B., Zapilko, V., Shiriagin, V., Kowatschew, D., and Oka, Y., and Korsching, S.I. (2014) Kappe neurons, a novel population of olfactory sensory neurons. Scientific Reports. 4:4037
Hussain, A., Saraiva, L.R., Ferrero, D.M., Ahuja, G., Krishna, V.S., Liberles, S.D., and Korsching, S.I. (2013) High-affinity olfactory receptor for the death-associated odor cadaverine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(48):19579-19584
Ahuja, G., Ivandi, I., Saltürk, M., Oka, Y., Nadler, W., and Korsching, S.I. (2013) Zebrafish crypt neurons project to a single, identified mediodorsal glomerulus. Scientific Reports. 3:2063
Oka, Y., Saraiva, L.R., Korsching, S.I. (2012) Crypt neurons express a single V1R-related ora gene. Chemical senses. 37(3):219-227
Oka, Y., and Korsching, S.I. (2011) Shared and Unique G Alpha Proteins in the Zebrafish Versus Mammalian Senses of Taste and Smell. Chemical senses. 36(4):357-365
Hussain, A., Saraiva, L.R., and Korsching, S.I. (2009) Positive Darwinian selection and the birth of an olfactory receptor clade in teleosts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106(11):4313-4318
Oka, Y., Saraiva, L.R., Kwan, Y.Y., and Korsching, S.I. (2009) The fifth class of Gα proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106(5):1484-1489
Kraemer, A.M., Saraiva, L.R., and Korsching, S.I. (2008) Structural and functional diversification in the teleost S100 family of calcium-binding proteins. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8:48
Saraiva, L.R., and Korsching, S.I. (2007) A novel olfactory receptor gene family in teleost fish. Genome research. 17(10):1448-1457
Korsching, S. (2005) Selective imaging of the receptor neuron population in the olfactory bulb of zebrafish and mice. Chemical senses. (Suppl.) 1:i101-i102
Oehlmann, V.D., Berger, S., Sterner, C., and Korsching, S.I. (2004) Zebrafish beta tubulin 1 expression is limited to the nervous system throughout development, and in the adult brain is restricted to a subset of proliferative regions. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 4(2):191-198
Argo, S., Weth, F., and Korsching, S.I. (2003) Analysis of penetrance and expressivity during ontogenesis supports a stochastic choice of zebrafish odorant receptors from predetermined groups of receptor genes. The European journal of neuroscience. 17(4):833-843
Argo, S. and Korsching, S.I. (2003) Odorant receptor gene regulation in the zebrafish, Danio rerio : an analysis of endogenous and reporter gene expression. Taunusstein: Driesen, H.H., Dr., Verlag.
Oehlmann, V., Korte, H., Sterner, C., and Korsching, S. (2002) A neuropeptide FF-related gene is expressed selectively in neurons of the terminal nerve in Danio rerio. Mechanisms of Development. 117(1-2):357-361
Celik, A., Fuss, S.H., and Korsching, S.I. (2002) Selective targeting of zebrafish olfactory receptor neurons by the endogenous OMP promoter. The European journal of neuroscience. 15(5):798-806
Fuss, S.H. and Korsching, S.I. (2001) Odorant feature detection: activity mapping of structure response relationships in the zebrafish olfactory bulb. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 21(21):8396-8407
Korsching, S.I. (2001) Odor maps in the brain: spatial aspects of odor representation in sensory surface and olfactory bulb. Cellular and molecular life sciences : CMLS. 58(4):520-530
Rummrich, A., Bandemer-Freis, K., Weth, F., and Korsching, S.I. (2000) Regulated splicing of odorant receptor gene transcripts in the olfactory epithelium of the zebrafish (Danio rerio). The European journal of neuroscience. 12:497
Fuss, S.H., Celik, A., and Korsching, S.I. (2000) Cell type specific genetic markers in the zebrafish olfactory system. The European journal of neuroscience. 12:497
Celik, A., Brennan, C., and Korsching, S.I. (2000) Eph/ephrin in the zebrafish olfactory system. The European journal of neuroscience. 12:496
Oehlmann, V., Korte, H., and Korsching, S.I. (2000) Use of suppression subtractive hybridization strategy for discovery of differentially expressed sequences in the zebrafish olfactory bulb. The European journal of neuroscience. 12:496
Friedrich, R.W. and Korsching, S.I. (1998) Chemotopic, combinatorial, and noncombinatorial odorant representations in the olfactory bulb revealed using a voltage-sensitive axon tracer. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 18:9977-9988
Wellerdieck, C., Oles, M., Pott, L., Korsching, S., Gisselmann, G., and Hatt, H. (1997) Functional expression of odorant receptors of the zebrafish Danio rerio and of the nematode C. elegans in HEK293 cells. Chemical senses. 22(4):467-476
Friedrich, R.W. and Korsching, S.I. (1997) Combinatorial and chemotopic odorant coding in the zebrafish olfactory bulb visualized by optical imaging. Neuron. 18(5):737-752
Korsching, S.I., Argo, S., Campenhausen, H., Friedrich, R.W., Rummrich, A., and Weth, F. (1997) Olfaction in zebrafish: what does a tiny teleost tell us?. Seminars in cell & developmental biology. 8:181-187
Weth, F., Nadler, W., and Korsching, S. (1996) Nested expression domains for odorant receptors in zebrafish olfactory epithelium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 93(23):13321-13326
Baier, H., Rotter, S., and Korsching, S. (1994) Connectional topography in the zebrafish olfactory system: random positions but regular spacing of sensory neurons projecting to an individual glomerulus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 91:11646-11650
Baier, H. and Korsching, S. (1994) Olfactory glomeruli in the zebrafish form an invariant pattern and are identifiable across animals. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 14:219-230