Enos, Stephen
Biography and Research Interest
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Cohrs, C.M., Panzer, J.K., Drotar, D.M., Enos, S.J., Kipke, N., Chen, C., Bozsak, R., Schöniger, E., Ehehalt, F., Distler, M., et al. (2020). Dysfunction of Persisting β Cells Is a Key Feature of Early Type 2 Diabetes Pathogenesis. Cell Reports 31, 107469. 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.03.033.
Panzer, J.K., Hiller, H., Cohrs, C.M., Almaça, J., Enos, S.J., Beery, M., Cechin, S., Drotar, D.M., Weitz, J.R., Santini, J., et al. Pancreas tissue slices from organ donors enable in situ analysis of type 1 diabetes pathogenesis. JCI Insight 5, e134525. 10.1172/jci.insight.134525.
Mittasch, M., Tran, V.M., Rios, M.U., Fritsch, A.W., Enos, S.J., Ferreira Gomes, B., Bond, A., Kreysing, M., and Woodruff, J.B. (2020). Regulated changes in material properties underlie centrosome disassembly during mitotic exit. Journal of Cell Biology 219. 10.1083/jcb.201912036.
Enos, S.J., Dressler, M., Gomes, B.F., Hyman, A.A., and Woodruff, J.B. (2018). Phosphatase PP2A and microtubule-mediated pulling forces disassemble centrosomes during mitotic exit. Biology Open 7, bio029777. 10.1242/bio.029777.