ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-191204-1
Lee, Juhyun
Email: juhyun.lee@uta.edu
Address: Assistant Professor Department of Bioengineering University of Texas at Arlington Cardiovascular Bioengineering Lab 500 UTA Blvd ERB 354 Arlington, TX 76019
Country: United States
Phone: 817-272-6534/2251


Cairelli, A.G., Gendernalik, A., Chan, W.X., Nguyen, P., Vermot, J., Lee, J., Bark, D., Yap, C.H. (2024) Role of tissue biomechanics in the formation and function of myocardial trabeculae in zebrafish embryos. The Journal of physiology. 602(4):597-617
Zhang, X., Almasian, M., Hassan, S.S., Jotheesh, R., Kadam, V.A., Polk, A.R., Saberigarakani, A., Rahat, A., Yuan, J., Lee, J., Carroll, K., Ding, Y. (2023) 4D Light-sheet imaging and interactive analysis of cardiac contractility in zebrafish larvae. APL bioengineering. 7:026112026112
Bonatesta, F., Messerschmidt, V.L., Schneider, L., Lee, J., Lund, A.K., Mager, E.M. (2022) Acute exposure of early-life stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) to Deepwater Horizon crude oil impairs glomerular filtration and renal fluid clearance capacity. Environmental science and pollution research international. 30(8):21990-21999
Salehin, N., Teranikar, T., Lee, J., Chuong, C.J. (2022) Ventricular Anisotropic Deformation and Contractile Function of the Developing Heart of Zebrafish in-vivo. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 252(2):247-262
Teranikar, T., Villarreal, C., Salehin, N., Ijaseun, T., Lim, J., Dominguez, C., Nguyen, V., Cao, H., Chuong, C.J., Lee, J. (2022) Scale space detector for analyzing spatiotemporal ventricular contractility and nuclear morphogenesis in zebrafish. iScience. 25:104876
Messerschmidt, V.L., Chintapula, U., Bonetesta, F., Laboy-Segarra, S., Naderi, A., Nguyen, K.T., Cao, H., Mager, E., Lee, J. (2022) In vivo Evaluation of Non-viral NICD Plasmid-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles in Developing Zebrafish to Improve Cardiac Functions. Frontiers in Physiology. 13:819767
Salehin, N., Villarreal, C., Teranikar, T., Dubansky, B., Lee, J., Chuong, C.J. (2021) Assessing Pressure-Volume Relationship in Developing Heart of Zebrafish In-Vivo. Annals of biomedical engineering. 49(9):2080-2093