ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-150722-1
Burger, Alexa
Email: alexa.burger@uzh.ch
Affiliation: Mosimann Lab


Lalonde, R.L., Wells, H.H., Kemmler, C.L., Nieuwenhuize, S., Lerma, R., Burger, A., Mosimann, C. (2024) pIGLET: Safe harbor landing sites for reproducible and efficient transgenesis in zebrafish. Science advances. 10:eadn6603eadn6603
Kemmler, C.L., Smolikova, J., Moran, H.R., Mannion, B.J., Knapp, D., Lim, F., Czarkwiani, A., Hermosilla Aguayo, V., Rapp, V., Fitch, O.E., Bötschi, S., Selleri, L., Farley, E., Braasch, I., Yun, M., Visel, A., Osterwalder, M., Mosimann, C., Kozmik, Z., Burger, A. (2023) Conserved enhancers control notochord expression of vertebrate Brachyury. Nature communications. 14:65946594
Kemmler, C.L., Moran, H.R., Murray, B.F., Scoresby, A., Klem, J.R., Eckert, R.L., Lepovsky, E., Bertho, S., Nieuwenhuize, S., Burger, S., D'Agati, G., Betz, C., Puller, A.C., Felker, A., Ditrychova, K., Bötschi, S., Affolter, M., Rohner, N., Lovely, C.B., Kwan, K.M., Burger, A., Mosimann, C. (2023) Next-generation plasmids for transgenesis in zebrafish and beyond. Development (Cambridge, England). 150(8):
Mattonet, K., Riemslagh, F.W., Guenther, S., Prummel, K.D., Kesavan, G., Hans, S., Ebersberger, I., Brand, M., Burger, A., Reischauer, S., Mosimann, C., Stainier, D.Y.R. (2022) Endothelial versus pronephron fate decision is modulated by the transcription factors Cloche/Npas4l, Tal1, and Lmo2. Science advances. 8:eabn2082
Lalonde, R.L., Kemmler, C.L., Riemslagh, F.W., Aman, A.J., Kresoja-Rakic, J., Moran, H.R., Nieuwenhuize, S., Parichy, D.M., Burger, A., Mosimann, C. (2022) Heterogeneity and genomic loci of ubiquitous transgenic Cre reporter lines in zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics : an official publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 251(10):1754-1773
Prummel, K.D., Crowell, H.L., Nieuwenhuize, S., Brombacher, E.C., Daetwyler, S., Soneson, C., Kresoja-Rakic, J., Kocere, A., Ronner, M., Ernst, A., Labbaf, Z., Clouthier, D.E., Firulli, A.B., Sánchez-Iranzo, H., Naganathan, S.R., O'Rourke, R., Raz, E., Mercader, N., Burger, A., Felley-Bosco, E., Huisken, J., Robinson, M.D., Mosimann, C. (2022) Hand2 delineates mesothelium progenitors and is reactivated in mesothelioma. Nature communications. 13:1677
Prummel, K.D., Hess, C., Nieuwenhuize, S., Parker, H.J., Rogers, K.W., Kozmikova, I., Racioppi, C., Brombacher, E.C., Czarkwiani, A., Knapp, D., Burger, S., Chiavacci, E., Shah, G., Burger, A., Huisken, J., Yun, M.H., Christiaen, L., Kozmik, Z., Müller, P., Bronner, M., Krumlauf, R., Mosimann, C. (2019) A conserved regulatory program initiates lateral plate mesoderm emergence across chordates. Nature communications. 10:3857
D'Agati, G., Cabello, E.M., Frontzek, K., Rushing, E.J., Klemm, R., Robinson, M.D., White, R.M., Mosimann, C., Burger, A. (2019) Active receptor tyrosine kinases, but not Brachyury, are sufficient to trigger chordoma in zebrafish. Disease models & mechanisms. 12(7):
Cantù, C., Felker, A., Zimmerli, D., Prummel, K.D., Cabello, E.M., Chiavacci, E., Méndez-Acevedo, K.M., Kirchgeorg, L., Burger, S., Ripoll, J., Valenta, T., Hausmann, G., Vilain, N., Aguet, M., Burger, A., Panáková, D., Basler, K., Mosimann, C. (2018) Mutations in Bcl9 and Pygo genes cause congenital heart defects by tissue-specific perturbation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling.. Genes & Development. 32(21-22):1443-1458
Callahan, S.J., Tepan, S., Zhang, Y.M., Lindsay, H., Burger, A., Campbell, N.R., Kim, I.S., Hollmann, T.J., Studer, L., Mosimann, C., White, R.M. (2018) Cancer modeling by Transgene Electroporation in Adult Zebrafish (TEAZ). Disease models & mechanisms. 11(9):
Merks, A.M., Swinarski, M., Meyer, A.M., Müller, N.V., Özcan, I., Donat, S., Burger, A., Gilbert, S., Mosimann, C., Abdelilah-Seyfried, S., Panáková, D. (2018) Planar cell polarity signalling coordinates heart tube remodelling through tissue-scale polarisation of actomyosin activity. Nature communications. 9:2161
D'Agati, G., Beltre, R., Sessa, A., Burger, A., Zhou, Y., Mosimann, C., White, R.M. (2017) A defect in the mitochondrial protein mpv17 underlies the transparent casper zebrafish. Developmental Biology. 430(1):11-17
Lindsay, H., Burger, A., Biyong, B., Felker, A., Hess, C., Zaugg, J., Chiavacci, E., Anders, C., Jinek, M., Mosimann, C., Robinson, M. D. (2016) CrispRVariants charts the mutation spectrum of genome engineering experiments. Nat. Biotechnol.. 34:701-702
Burger, A., Lindsay, H., Felker, A., Hess, C., Anders, C., Chiavacci, E., Zaugg, J., Weber, L.M., Catena, R., Jinek, M., Robinson, M.D., Mosimann, C. (2016) Maximizing mutagenesis with solubilized CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes. Development (Cambridge, England). 143(11):2025-37
Musso, G., Mosimann, C., Panáková, D., Burger, A., Zhou, Y., Zon, L.I., MacRae, C.A. (2015) Generating and evaluating a ranked candidate gene list for potential vertebrate heart field regulators. Genomics Data. 6:199-201
Mosimann, C., Panáková, D., Werdich, A.A., Musso, G., Burger, A., Lawson, K.L., Carr, L.A., Nevis, K.R., Sabeh, M.K., Zhou, Y., Davidson, A.J., DiBiase, A., Burns, C.E., Burns, C.G., MacRae, C.A., Zon, L.I. (2015) Chamber identity programs drive early functional partitioning of the heart. Nature communications. 6:8146