
Reading, Benjamin J.

Person ID
North Carolina State University Department of Applied Ecology Raleigh, NC 27695-7617
United States
(919) 515-3830
Biography and Research Interest
Reproduction and vitellogenesis.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Reading, B.J., Williams, V.N., Chapman, R.W., Islam Williams, T., and Sullivan, C.V. 2013. Dynamics of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis) ovary proteome reveal a complex network of the translasome. Journal of Proteome Research 12:1691-1699.

Hiramatsu, N., Luo, W., Reading, B.J., Sullivan, C.V., Mizuta, H., Ryu, Y.-W., Nishimiya, O., Todo, T., and Hara, A. 2013. Multiple ovarian lipoprotein receptors in teleosts. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39(1):29-32.

Reading, B.J., Chapman, R.W., Schaff, J.E., Scholl, E.H., Opperman, C.H., and Sullivan, C.V. 2012. An ovary transcriptome for all maturational stages of the striped bass (Morone saxatilis), a highly advanced perciform fish. BMC Research Notes 5:111 (doi: 10.1186/1756-0500-5-111).

Reading, B.J. and Sullivan, C.V. 2011. Chapter 257: Vitellogenesis in Fishes. In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology: From Genome to Environment. A.P. Ferrell (Ed.). Elsevier, Maryland Heights, Missouri. 2272 pp.

Reading, B.J., Hiramatsu, N., and Sullivan, C.V. 2011. Disparate binding of three types of vitellogenin to multiple forms of vitellogenin receptor in white perch. Biology of Reproduction 84:392-399.

Salger, S.A., Reading, B.J., Baltzegar, D.A., Sullivan C.V., and Noga, E.J. 2011. Molecular characterization of two isoforms of piscidin 4 from the hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops x M. saxatilis). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 30:420-424.

Nishimiya, O., Kunihiro, Y., Hiramatsu, N., Inagawa, H., Todo, T., Matsubara, T., Reading, B.J., Sullivan, C.V., and Hara, A. 2011. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of estrogen receptor and vitellogenins in inshore hagfish (Eptatretus Burgeri). Indian Journal of Science and Technology 4(S8):194-195.

Mizuta, H., Hiramatsu, N., Todo, T., Ito, Y., Gen, K., Kazeto, Y., Sullivan, C.V., Reading, B.J., and Hara, A. 2011. Molecular cloning and localization of two classical ovarian lipoprotein receptors in cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 4(S8):192-193.

Hiramatsu, N., Luo, W., Mizuta, H., Todo, T., Reading, B.J., Sullivan, C.V., Hara, A. 2011. A novel class of ovarian lipoprotein receptor in cutthroat trout: molecular cloning and expression analysis. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 4(S8):157-158.

Reading, B.J., Hiramatsu, N., Sawaguchi, S., Matsubara, T., Hara, A., Lively, M.O., and Sullivan, C.V. 2009. Conserved and variant molecular and functional features of multiple vitellogenins in white perch (Morone americana) and other teleosts. Marine Biotechnology 11:169-187.

Reading, B.J., Hiramatsu, N., Matsubara, T., Hara, A., and Sullivan, C.V. 2008. Deduced primary structures of three vitellogenins and specific binding to putative multiple ovarian receptors in white perch (Morone americana). Cybium International Journal of Ichthyology 32(2 suppl.):159-161.

Davis, L.K., Hiramatsu, N., Hiramatsu, K., Reading, B.J., Matsubara, T., Hara, A., Sullivan, C.V., Pierce, A.L., Hirano, T., and Grau, E.G. 2007. Induction of three vitellogenins by 17beta-estradiol with concurrent inhibition of the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor 1 axis in a euryhaline teleost, the tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). Biology of Reproduction 77:614-625.

Reading, B.J., Wills, P.S., Heidinger, R.C., and Heist, E.J. 2003. Development of microsatellite markers for muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) and cross-species amplification in two other esocids. Molecular Ecology Notes 3(3):447-450.

Heist, E.J., Jenkot, J.L., Keeney, D.B., Lane, R.L., Moyer, G.R., Reading, B.J., and Smith, N.L. 2003. Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum). Molecular Ecology Notes 3(1):59-61.