ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-121001-10
Drerup, Katie (Catherine)
Email: drerup@wisc.edu
URL: http://dreruplab.com
Affiliation: Drerup Lab
Address: University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Integrative Biology 250 N. Mills St. Rm 124/128 Madison, WI 53706
Country: United States


Alsudayri, A., Perelman, S., Brewer, M., Chura, A., McDevitt, M., Drerup, C., Ye, L. (2024) Gut microbiota regulates the nutrient sensing enteroendocrine cell maturation and mitochondrial function. Development (Cambridge, England). 151(8):
Wong, H.C., Lukasz, D., Drerup, C.M., Kindt, K.S. (2023) In vivo investigation of mitochondria in lateral line afferent neurons and hair cells. Hearing Research. 431:108740108740
Wong, H.C., Drerup, C.M. (2022) Using fluorescent indicators for in vivo quantification of spontaneous or evoked motor neuron presynaptic activity in transgenic zebrafish. STAR protocols. 3:101766
Kawano, D., Pinter, K., Chlebowski, M., Petralia, R.S., Wang, Y.X., Nechiporuk, A.V., Drerup, C.M. (2022) NudC regulated Lis1 stability is essential for the maintenance of dynamic microtubule ends in axon terminals. iScience. 25:105072105072
Mandal, A., Wong, H.C., Pinter, K., Mosqueda, N., Beirl, A., Lomash, R.M., Won, S., Kindt, K.S., Drerup, C.M. (2020) Retrograde mitochondrial transport is essential for organelle distribution and health in zebrafish neurons. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 41(7):1371-1392
Spinner, M.A., Pinter, K., Drerup, C.M., Herman, T.G. (2020) A Conserved Role for Vezatin Proteins in Cargo-Specific Regulation of Retrograde Axonal Transport. Genetics. 216(2):431-445
Liao, Y.C., Fernandopulle, M.S., Wang, G., Choi, H., Hao, L., Drerup, C.M., Patel, R., Qamar, S., Nixon-Abell, J., Shen, Y., Meadows, W., Vendruscolo, M., Knowles, T.P.J., Nelson, M., Czekalska, M.A., Musteikyte, G., Gachechiladze, M.A., Stephens, C.A., Pasolli, H.A., Forrest, L.R., St George-Hyslop, P., Lippincott-Schwartz, J., Ward, M.E. (2019) RNA Granules Hitchhike on Lysosomes for Long-Distance Transport, Using Annexin A11 as a Molecular Tether. Cell. 179:147-164.e20
Tuttle, A., Drerup, C.M., Marra, M., McGraw, H., Nechiporuk, A.V. (2019) Retrograde Ret signaling controls sensory pioneer axon outgrowth. eLIFE. 8:
Mandal, A., Pinter, K., Drerup, C.M. (2018) Analyzing Neuronal Mitochondria in vivo Using Fluorescent Reporters in Zebrafish. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology. 6:144
Herbert, A.L., Fu, M.M., Drerup, C.M., Gray, R.S., Harty, B.L., Ackerman, S.D., O'Reilly-Pol, T., Johnson, S.L., Nechiporuk, A.V., Barres, B.A., Monk, K.R. (2017) Dynein/dynactin is necessary for anterograde transport of Mbp mRNA in oligodendrocytes and for myelination in vivo.. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114:E9153-E9162
Drerup, C.M., Herbert, A.L., Monk, K.R., Nechiporuk, A.V. (2017) Regulation of mitochondria-dynactin interaction and mitochondrial retrograde transport in axons. eLIFE. 6
Drerup, C.M., Lusk, S., Nechiporuk, A. (2016) Kif1B Interacts with KBP to Promote Axon Elongation by Localizing a Microtubule Regulator to Growth Cones. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 36:7014-26
Drerup, C.M., Nechiporuk, A.V. (2016) In vivo analysis of axonal transport in zebrafish. Methods in cell biology. 131:311-29
Drerup, C.M., and Nechiporuk, A.V. (2013) JNK-Interacting Protein 3 Mediates the Retrograde Transport of Activated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase and Lysosomes. PLoS Genetics. 9(2):e1003303
McGraw, H.F., Drerup, C.M., Culbertson, M.D., Linbo, T., Raible, D.W., and Nechiporuk, A.V. (2011) Lef1 is required for progenitor cell identity in the zebrafish lateral line primordium. Development (Cambridge, England). 138(18):3921-3930
Drerup, C.M., Wiora, H.M., and Morris, J.A. (2010) Characterization of the overlapping expression patterns of the zebrafish LIS1 orthologs. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 10(1):75-85
Drerup, C.M., Wiora, H.M., Topczewski, J., and Morris, J.A. (2009) Disc1 regulates foxd3 and sox10 expression, affecting neural crest migration and differentiation. Development (Cambridge, England). 136(15):2623-2632
Drerup, C.M., Ahlgren, S.C., and Morris, J.A. (2007) Expression profiles of ndel1a and ndel1b, two orthologs of the NudE-Like gene, in the zebrafish. Gene expression patterns : GEP. 7(6):672-679