Poulain, Fabienne
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Biography and Research Interest
Nervous system development, neurodegenerative diseases
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Devaux S., Poulain F.E., Devignot V., Lachkar S., Irinopoulou T., Sobel A. (2012) Specific serine-proline phosphorylation and GSK-3β directed subcellular targeting of stathmin 3 / Sclip in neurons. J. Biol. Chem. 287:22341-53.
Poulain F.E. and Sobel A. (2010) The Microtubule Network and Neuronal Morphogenesis: Dynamic and Coordinated Orchestration through Multiple Players. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 43:15-32.
Poulain F.E., Chauvin S., Wehrle R., Desclaux M., Mallet J., Vodjdani G., Dusart I.*, Sobel A.* (2008) SCLIP is crucial for the formation and development of the Purkinje cell dendritic arbor. J. Neurosci. 28: 7387-7398.
Chauvin S., Poulain F.E., Ozon S., Sobel A. (2008) Palmitoylation of stathmin family proteins domain A controls Golgi versus mitochondrial subcellular targeting. Biol. Cell 100: 577-589
Poulain F.E. and Sobel A. (2007) The "SCG10-LIke Protein" SCLIP is a novel regulator of axonal branching in hippocampal neurons, unlike SCG10. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 34: 137-146