
Levavi-Sivan, Berta

Person ID
Fish Reproduction
Faculty of Agricultural Food and Environmental Quality Sciences Department of Animal Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Rehovot, 76100 Israel
Biography and Research Interest
1979 - 1983 B.Sc. Tel-Aviv University, Life Science.
1983 - 1986 M.Sc. Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Zoology.
1986 - 1993 Ph.D. Tel-Aviv University, Dept. of Zoology.
1995 - 1999 Post-Doc. Weizmann Institute. Dept. of Immunology,
1999 ? 2005 Lecturer, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University
2005 ? 2007 Senior lecturer, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University
2007 ? present Associate Professor, Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Hebrew University

Research interests:

1. Illumination of the mechanisms underlying hypothalamic regulation in fish.
2. kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in fish.
3. Production of recombinant gonadotropins using the expression system of Pichia pastoris.
4. Introduction of new fish species to Israeli aquaculture.
5. Sex inversion in fish.
6. Aquaculture in Third World Countries.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
1. Jackson, K., Hurvitz A., Yom Din S., Goldberg D., Pearlson O., Degani G., & Levavi-Sivan, B. 2006. Anatomical, hormonal and histological descriptions of captive Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) with intersex gonads. Gen Comp Endocrinol 148, 359-367.

2. Levavi-Sivan, B., Biran J. & Fireman E., 2006. Sex steroids are involved in the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine D2 receptors in female tilapia pituitary. Biol Reprod. 75, 642?650.

3. Nocillado JN, Elizur A. Avitan A. Carrick F. & Levavi-Sivan B. 2007. Cytochrome P450 aromatase in grey mullet: cDNA and promoter isolation and brain, pituitary and ovarian expression during puberty. Mol Cel Endocrinol 263, 65-78.

4. Nocillado, JN, Levavi-Sivan, B. Carrick, F. & Elizur A. 2007. Temporal expression of G-protein-coupled receptor 54 (GPR54), gonadotropin-releasing hormones (gnrh), and dopamine receptor D2 (drd2) in pubertal female grey mullet, Mugil cephalus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 150, 278-287..

5. Aizen J. Kasuto H. Golan M. Zakay H. & Levavi-Sivan B. 2007. Tilapia follicle stimulating hormone (FSH): Immunochemistry, stimulation by GnRH and Effect of biologically active recombinant FSH on steroid secretion. Biol Reprod. 76, 692?700.

6. Yom Din, S. Hurvitz, A. Goldberg, D. Jackson, K. Levavi-Sivan B & Degani G. 2007. Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 expression in the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii), during the first period of growth. J Endocrinol Invest, 31: 201-10.

7. Perdikaris, C., Levavi-Sivan, B., Chantzaropoulos, A., Nathanailides, C., Gouva E., & Paschos E. 2007. Pituitary collection from gibel carp Carassius gibelio (Bloch 1783) in Lake Pamvotis (NW Greece) and prospects for future use in carp reproduction. Isr J Aquaculture, 59, 162-167.

8. Avitan A, Zelinger E & Levavi-Sivan B. 2007. Homologous desensitization and visualization of the tilapia GnRH type 3 receptor. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 153, 182-188.

9. Aizen J, Kasuto H. & Levavi-Sivan B. 2007. Development of specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for determining LH and FSH levels in tilapia, using recombinant gonadotropins. Gen Comp Endocrinol, 153, 323-332.

10. Hurvitz A., Jackson K., Degani G. & Levavi-Sivan B. 2007. Use of endoscopy for gender and ovarian-stage determinations in Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) grown in aquaculture conditions. Aquaculture, 270, 158-166.

11. Levy A. Pokroy B. Levavi-Sivan B Leiserowitz L Weiner S & Addadi L 2008. Biogenic guanine crystals from the skin of fish are designed to enhance light reflectance. Cryst. Growth Design.8, 507-511

12. Hurvitz, A., Jackson, K., Yom-Din, S., Degani, G., & Levavi-Sivan, B. 2008. Sexual development in Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) grown in aquaculture. CYBIUM, International Journal of Ichthyology. In press.

13. Rutaisire, J., Levavi-Sivan, B., Nytaia, E., Booth, A. 2008. Juvenile intersexuality in the cyprinid fish Labeo victorianus. CYBIUM, International Journal of Ichthyology. In press.

14. Levavi-Sivan, B., Golan, M., Aizen. J., & Elizur, A. 2008. Fish recombinant gonadotropins. CYBIUM, International Journal of Ichthyology. In press.

15. Yacobovitz M, Solomon G, Gusakovsky E.E, Levavi-Sivan B. & Gertler A. 2008 Expression, refolding, purification and characterization of pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) leptin. Gen Comp Endocrinol 156, 83?90.

16. Cohen A, Shmoish M, Levi L, Cheruti U, Levavi-Sivan B, Lubzens E. 2008. Alterations in micro-ribonucleic acid expression profiles reveal a novel pathway for estrogen regulation. Endocrinology. 149, 1687-1696.

17. Levi L., Levavi-Sivan B. Lubzens E. 2008. Expression of genes associated with retinoid metabolism in the trout ovarian follicle. Biol Reprod. In press.