Meinelt, Thomas
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Biography and Research Interest
Name: Thomas Meinelt
Date / place of birth: 26. November 1960
1975 - 1979 Grammer school, GCEA level
Higher Education: 1982 - 1987 Humboldt University of Berlin
1987 M.A. theses in fish diseases
1987 - 1989 Humboldt University of Berlin
1990 Doctoral theses in fish toxicology
1989 - 1991 Scientist at the Institute of Inland Fisheries, Department of Fish diseases
since 1992 - Scientist at the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department Inland Fisheries
Course of lectures:
Lessons 'Environmental caused fish diseases', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Fish parasites', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Aquatic toxicology / Ecotoxicology', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Fish pathology and hygiene' at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Statement of research interests: Aquaculture, fish health, fish diseases, humic substances
Date / place of birth: 26. November 1960
1975 - 1979 Grammer school, GCEA level
Higher Education: 1982 - 1987 Humboldt University of Berlin
1987 M.A. theses in fish diseases
1987 - 1989 Humboldt University of Berlin
1990 Doctoral theses in fish toxicology
1989 - 1991 Scientist at the Institute of Inland Fisheries, Department of Fish diseases
since 1992 - Scientist at the Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Department Inland Fisheries
Course of lectures:
Lessons 'Environmental caused fish diseases', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Fish parasites', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Aquatic toxicology / Ecotoxicology', at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Lessons 'Fish pathology and hygiene' at the Humboldt-University of Berlin
Statement of research interests: Aquaculture, fish health, fish diseases, humic substances
Non-Zebrafish Publications
ALDERMAN, D.J., BERNOTH, E.-M., MEINELT, T., HANSEN, P.D.: International Workshop on the Accommoda-tion of Laboratory Animals in Accordance with Animal Welfare Requirements. Accommodation of fish in accordance with welfare requirements, (1994), 71-80.KRÜGER, R., PIETROCK, M., MEINELT, T., YOSHIDA, T., STEFFENS, W., STEINBERG, C.: Distribution of Macrophage Centres in bream (Abramis brama L.) liver from the Oder River (Germany/Poland) within the nature reserve ?Unteres Odertal? near the town of Schwedt. Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie, 81(1996)4, 635-644.
MEINELT, T., KRÜGER, R., PIETROCK, M., STÜBER, A., OSTEN, R., STEINBERG, C.: Metal loads in sediments, pike (Esox lucius) and bream (Abramis brama) tissues in the river Oder (Germany/Poland). Archieves of Nature Conservation and Landscape Research, 36(1997)1, 1-9.
MEINELT, T., KRÜGER, R., PIETROCK, M., OSTEN, R., STEINBERG, C.: Mercury Pollution and Macrophage Centres in Pike (Esox lucius) Tissues in the Oder River (Germany/Poland). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 4(1997)1, 31-36.
KRÜGER, R., MEINELT, T., PIETROCK, M., YOSHIDA, T.: A Simplified Procedure For Detecting Macrophage Centres In Teleost Liver, Kidney and Spleen. Animal Research and Development, 45(1997), 59-72.
WIRTH, M., STEFFENS, W., MEINELT, T., STEINBERG, C.: Significance of docosahexaenoic acid for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) larvae. Fett/Lipid, 99(1997)7, 251-253.
PIETROCK, M., KRÜGER, R., MEINELT, T.: Ecology of Proteocephalus torulosus in the blue bream (Abramis ballerus) from the Oder River on the borders of Germany and Poland. Journal of Helminthology, 72(1998), 231-236.
PIETROCK, M., MATTHEIS, T., KRÜGER, R., MEINELT, T.: Seasonal dynamics of Phyllodistomum folium (von Olfers, 1816) (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae) in blue bream, Abramis ballerus (Linnaeus 1758) and ruffe, Gym-nocephalus cernuus (Linnaeus 1758) from the Oder River (Germany/Poland). Acta Parasitologica, 44(1999), 165-169.
PIETROCK, M., MEINELT, T., MARCOGLIESE, D., STEINBERG, C.E.W.: Influence of aqueous sediment extracts from the Oder River (Germany/Poland) on survival of Diplostomum sp. (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) cercariae. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 40(2001)3, 327-332.
PIETROCK, M., MARCOGLIESE, D.J., MEINELT, T., MCLAUGHLIN, J.D.: Effects of mercury and chromium upon longevity of Diplostomum sp. (Trematoda: Diplostomidae) cercariae. Parasitology Research, 88(2002), 225-229.
PIETROCK, M., MEINELT, T.: Dynamics of Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda: Anguillicolidae) larval infection in a paratenic host, the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus): Importance of the host biology. Journal of Helminthology (2002) 76, 3, pp. 235-240