ZFIN ID: ZDB-PERS-001116-14
Dodd, Andrew
Email: a.dodd@auckland.ac.nz
Affiliation: Don Love Lab
Address: Molecular Genetics and Development Group School of Biological Sciences The University of Auckland Auckland, 92019 New Zealand
Country: New Zealand
Phone: 64-9-373-7599 ext. 7232
Fax: 64-9-373-7414


Tang, R., Dodd, A., Lai, D., McNabb, W.C., and Love, D.R. (2007) Validation of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Reference Genes for Quantitative Real-time RT-PCR Normalization. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica. 39(5):384-390
Love, D.R., Lan, C.C., Dodd, A., Shelling, A.N., McNabb, W.C., and Ferguson, L.R. (2007) Modeling inflammatory bowel disease: the zebrafish as a way forward. Expert review of molecular diagnostics. 7(2):177-93
Dodd, A., Greenwood, D.R., Miller, A.L., Webb, S.E., Chambers, S.P., Copp, B.R., and Love, D.R. (2006) Zebrafish: at the nexus of functional and chemical genomics. Biotechnology & genetic engineering reviews. 22:77-99
Love, D.R., Pichler, F.B., Dodd, A., Copp, B.R., and Greenwood, D.R. (2004) Technology for high-throughput screens: the present and future using zebrafish. Current opinion in biotechnology. 15(6):564-571
Pichler, F.B., Dodd, A., Love, D.R. (2004) Global gene expression analysis in the zebrafish: the challenge and the promise. Drug discovery today. Technologies. 1:79-84
Dodd, A., Chambers, S.P., and Love, D.R. (2004) Short interfering RNA-mediated gene targeting in the zebrafish. FEBS letters. 561(1-3):89-93
Dodd, A., Chambers, S.P., Nielsen, P.E., and Love, D.R. (2004) Modeling human disease by gene targeting. The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology,2nd Ed. Methods Cell Biol.. 76:593-612
Dodd, A. (2004) Zebrafish : a new paradigm for disease analysis. Ph.D. Thesis. :263p
Pichler, F.B., Laurenson, S., Williams, L.C., Dodd, A., Copp, B.R., and Love, D.R. (2003) Chemical discovery and global gene expression analysis in zebrafish. Nat. Biotechnol.. 21(8):879-883
Chambers, S.P., Anderson, L.V., Maguire, G.M., Dodd, A., and Love, D.R. (2003) Sarcoglycans of the zebrafish: orthology and localization to the sarcolemma and myosepta of muscle. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 303(2):488-495
Chambers, S.P., Dodd, A., Overall, R., Sirey, T., Lam, L.T., Morris, G.E., and Love, D.R. (2001) Dystrophin in adult zebrafish muscle. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 286(3):478-483
Dodd, A., Curtis, P.M., Williams, L.C., and Love, D.R. (2000) Zebrafish: bridging the gap between development and disease. Human molecular genetics. 9(16):2443-2449