
Muto, Akira

Person ID
Division of Molecular and Developmental Biology National Insititute of Genetics (NIG) Yata 1111 Mishima Shizuoka 411-8540 Japan
Biography and Research Interest
1990 University of Tokyo, B.S.
1995 Osaka University, Ph.D.

1995 RIKEN Research Fellow (Mikoshiba lab)
1996 Japan Science and Technology (JST) Research Fellow (MIkoshiba lab)
2000 UCSF Physiology Department, Postdoctoral Fellow (Baier lab)
2007 National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Research Scientist (Kawakami lab)
2011-present: National Institute of Genetics (NIG), Assistant Professor (Kawakami lab)

Research Interest:
Cognitive neuroscience
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Muto A, Mikoshiba K. Activation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors induces transient changes in cell shape of fertilized Xenopus eggs. Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. 1998;39(3):201-8

Kume S, Muto A, Inoue T, Suga K, Okano H, Mikoshiba K. Role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in ventral signaling in Xenopus embryos. Science. 1997 Dec 12;278(5345):1940-3

Kume S, Muto A, Okano H, Mikoshiba K. Developmental expression of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and localization of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate during early embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis. Mech Dev. 1997 Aug;66(1-2):157-68.

Sayers LG, Miyawaki A, Muto A, Takeshita H, Yamamoto A, Michikawa T, Furuichi T, Mikoshiba K. Intracellular targeting and homotetramer formation of a truncated inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor-green fluorescent protein chimera in Xenopus laevis oocytes: evidence for the involvement of the transmembrane spanning domain in endoplasmic reticulum targeting and homotetramer complex formation. Biochem J. 1997 Apr 1;323 ( Pt 1):273-80.

Kume S, Yamamoto A, Inoue T, Muto A, Okano H, Mikoshiba K. Developmental expression of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and structural changes in the endoplasmic reticulum during oogenesis and meiotic maturation of Xenopus laevis. Dev Biol. 1997 Feb 15;182(2):228-39

Muto A, Kume S, Inoue T, Okano H, Mikoshiba K. Calcium waves along the cleavage furrows in cleavage-stage Xenopus embryos and its inhibition by heparin. J Cell Biol. 1996 Oct;135(1):181-90

Honda Z, Takano T, Hirose N, Suzuki T, Muto A, Kume S, Mikoshiba K, Itoh K, Shimizu T. Gq pathway desensitizes chemotactic receptor-induced calcium signaling via inositol trisphosphate receptor down-regulation. J Biol Chem. 1995 Mar 3;270(9):4840-4

Kume S, Muto A, Aruga J, Nakagawa T, Michikawa T, Furuichi T, Nakade S, Okano H, Mikoshiba K. The Xenopus IP3 receptor: structure, function, and localization in oocytes and eggs. Cell. 1993 May 7;73(3):555-70