OPTICS: MAGNIFICATION: DATE OF IMAGE: SUBMITTER COMMENTS: Overview of alyron mutant phenotype. Each pair of images show a mutant embryo (bottom) and a wild-type sibling (top). From left to right: side views of live embryos at 24h with anterior to left and dorsal to the top, mutants display delayed pigmentation in the eye, a smaller than normal otic vesicle, and an enlarged pericardial cavity. In addition, mutant embryos are slightly delayed developmentally, having on average 2 less somites than their wild-type siblings at 24h (not shown). Side views of live embryos at 48h with anterior to left and dorsal to the top, mutants lack body pigmentation, do not circulate blood, and usually have reduced eye pigmentation. Differentiated blood cells accumulate above the yolk cell in mutants. Side views of 16h embryos fixed and stained for snail-2 expression by whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization, 1/4 of aln/+ intercross progeny display a marked reduction in the expression of snail-2 in premigratory neural crest along the dorsal midline of the head and anterior trunk (bottom) as compared to the remaining 3/4 (top). Transverse sections through the nascent somite of 24h aln/+ intercross progeny fixed and stained for snail-2 expression by whole-mount RNA in situ hybridization, mutant embryos display reduced expression of snail-2 in the premigratory neural crest above the neural keel. Expression of snail-2 in the somites of mutant embryos at all stages examined appears normal in both pattern and level. Expression of pax-3 in the dorsal one-third of the neural keel in 18h embryos, double stained for trp-2 expression (indicated in top panel), markers of dorsal neural tube identity are reduced in expression level in aln mutants. Reduced expression of trp-2 in the retinas of mutant embryos allows unambiguous identification prior to a stage when the phenotype is morphologically evident.
Fig. for (z12)
Original Submitter Comments: Recessive lethal.
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