Fig. 2 Effect of resorcinol exposure on swim bladder inflation. Percentage of non-inflated swim bladders (A) following resorcinol exposure at both 5 and 7 dpf at 28°C (experiment 5). Significant differences from the control (0 µM) are indicated with an asterisk. Effect of T4 supplementation on swim bladder inflation (B) from 5 up to 8 dpf at 26°C (experiment 6). Zebrafish eleutheroembryos were exposed to either T4, T4 in combination with 727 µM resorcinol or solely 727 µM resorcinol. Asterisks indicate significant difference in swim bladder inflation at a given day between either the control and 727 µM resorcinol exposed embryos or between 2.5, 5 or 10 nM T4 and 2.5 nM T4 + resorcinol, 5 nM T4 + resorcinol or 10 nM T4 + resorcinol exposed embryos, respectively.
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Full text @ Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf.