Fig. 3

Figures for Spratt et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Valency of insulin on NanoRods determines the residence time of IR binding.

a, Schematic of the SPR assay: biotinylated ECD-IR was immobilized onto a streptavidin-coated SPR surface followed by incubation with INS-DNA or insulin NanoRods. b, SPR traces showing the binding of INS-DNA and of the indicated insulin NanoRods to the ECD-IR. KD was calculated from the curves obtained from INS-DNA, NR-2, NR-4 and NR-7. RU, resonance units. c, Residence time (t1/2) of the insulin NanoRods and INS-DNA on ECD-IR, calculated from the SPR binding curves. The values shown are from one representative experiment out of two independent experiments.

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