Fig. 2

Figures for Bragato et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Panel A. dnm1a spatio-temporal expression. RT-PCR assays using total RNAs extracted from embryos at different embryonic and larval stages (ranging from the first cleavage stages to early larval period) and from different adult organs were performed. (a) During embryo development, dnm1a mRNA was identified starting from the tail bud stage (10 hpf, hours postfertilization) through 5 dpf. Scale bar 250 ?m. (b) In the adult, zebrafish dnm1a transcript was detected in the brain, eyes, and liver. Scale bar 250 ?m. (c?g) Scale bar 250 ?m. Panels B and C. dnm1a spatial expression pattern during zebrafish embryonic development. (B, a, e and f) At 24 hpf dnm1a transcript was localized in the epiphysis and in three large bilateral clusters in anterior telencephalon (dorso rostral cluster, drc) and on the floor of the diencephalon (ventro rostral cluster, vrc) and mesencephalon (ventro caudal cluster, vcc). (B, b?d and g) Strong signals were detected in the hindbrain and in the spinal cord. (B, c and g) Transverse histological sections of 24 hpf stained embryos at trunk level revealed that dnm1a was expressed in the medio-ventral portion of the spinal cord, corresponding to the area of developing motor neuron nuclei (mn). (B, d) At 24 hpf dnm1a transcript is present in six bilateral spots, corresponding to the anterior and posterior lateral line (allg and pllg) and trigeminal ganglia (tg). During later stages, dnm1a expression is visible in the cephalic regions of the CNS and in the ganglia-like structures. Scale bar 100 ?m. (C, b and d) Starting from 2 dpf a hybridization signal in the spinal cord was detected only after an extended staining reaction time (sc). (C, e?h) Telencephalon transverse histological sections of 2 and 5 dpf larvae showed dnm1a expressing cells localized in the pallium area (p). (C, f) dnm1a is present in the preoptic area (po), and in the hypothalamus. (C, g and f) A strong signal is present in two areas corresponding to the ventral part of the posterior tuberculum (ptv) and to the dorsal thalamus (dt). (C, g) dnm1a expressing cells are visible in the mesencephalon tegmentum (teg). (C, b) dnm1a presented a slight expression in the optic tectum (to). (C, h) dnm1a signal is present in the hindbrain (hd). Panel D. Dnm1a protein localization during embryonic development. (a and b) Immunopositive spots, corresponding to developing glomeruli, in the telencephalon (tel), were observed in embryos at the developmental stage of 3 days postfertilization. Dnm1a signal is present in the hindbrain and in the spinal cord, localized in the anterior and postoptic commissures (ac and poc). (b) At 3 dpf, an increase in Dnm1a signal was observed in the retina (IPL and OPL). (c) A faint signal was detected in motor neuron axons and in cephalic structures similar to ganglia. Scale bar 250 ?m.

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