Fig. 4 SLRPs are enriched in human spinal cord lesions.
Anti-LUM, anti-PRELP, anti-CHAD, and anti-FMOD immunoreactivity is increased (arrowheads; see calibration bar of lookup table (LUT)) in the epicenter of the injured human spinal cord at nine days-post injury, as compared to rostral control segments of the same patient. Note that immunoreactivity is mainly observed in proximity to the hemorrhage (black; see calibration bar of LUT). Also note that with the exception of blood-derived autofluorescence, individual channels show distinct pattern of immunofluorescence (IF) signal (insets). Shown are transversal sections (dorsal is up). Similar results were obtained for anti-LUM in five out of six cases, for anti-PRELP and anti-FMOD in four out of six cases, and anti-CHAD in two out of six cases (Supplementary Table