Fig 4

Figures for Zhai et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig 4 Transcriptome analysis of bmp15 and inha-deficient follicles.

(A) Heatmap of DGEs among four genotypes of bmp15 and inha mutants. The heatmap of bmp15-/-;inha-/- showed similar pattern to that of inha-/- but not bmp15-/-. Regularized log transformed (rlog) count matrix was generated using DeSeq2 package and the DEGs with significance were used to plot the heatmap of rlog counts. (B) Volcano plot for DEGs of bmp15-/-, inha-/- and bmp15-/-;inha-/- compared with bmp15+/+;inha+/+ respectively. Most DEGs in bmp15-/- follicles were down-regulated whereas most DEGs in inha-/- and bmp15-/-;inha-/- were up-regulated.

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