Figure 6

Figures for Farre et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 6

Five day T4 treatment of adult zebrafish alters skin pigmentation. (A) Brightfield photographs of representative fish. (B) Examples of representative stripe and interstripe colors of control and treated fish. Colors were sampled from regions denoted by rectangles in (A). (C) Color analysis of stripe and interstripe Red, Green, and Blue scale values, n = 3. Values denote “redness,” “greenness,” and “blueness” on a scale from 0 to 255. High red values indicate high redness. Low red values indicate green, low green values indicate red, low blue values indicate orange. Note trend of higher red and green values in stripes of T4-treated fish. (D) Percentages of fish in control and treated groups with altered pigmentation compared to untreated wildtype. All T4-treated fish showed altered skin pigmentation while all control fish showed normal pigmentation, p = 0.0143 (proportion test).

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