Figure 2

Figures for Zilliox et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Mating of adult zebrafish and collecting of synchronized embryos

(A) Timeline of the 4-day protocol with hours on the y-axis and days in the x-axis.

(B) Material used in the fish facility to breed adult zebrafishes and collect embryos. (a) 1.7 L Breeding Tank. (b) Beach breeding compartment. (c) Fishing net. (d) Small strainer. (e) Breeding Tank lid. (f) Divider. (g) Petri dish filled with fish water.

(C) Male and female are placed separately on each side of the divider.

(D) Remove the divider to start the mating.

(E) Collect the embryos with the small strainer (left). Turn the strainer upside down and gently press the embryos in the Petri dish filled with fish water (middle). The embryos are in the Petri dish (right).

(F) Frontal and anterior view of the selection of embryos at stage 11.3 hpf in white light (brightfield) and GFP. The anterior part of the head is shown in yellow dotted line.

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