Figure Caption

Figure 6—figure supplement 1. npas4l is required for the specification of SDECs.

(A–D) Tg(etv2.1:eGFP)zf372; cloche mutant and heterozygous embryos were injected with meox1 and mib morpholinos. (C,D) Cloche mutant embryos showed loss of Etv2:eGFP expression in the LPM and somites at 12 ss compared with control embryos (A,B; arrowheads). (E–J) cloche mutant and heterozygous embryos were injected with both meox1 and mib morpholinos. FISH for meox1 (green) and etv2 (red) shows loss of all etv2 and meox1 double-positive cells in cloche mutants (H–J) compared with control embryos (E-G; arrowheads) at 12 ss. S, somites; LPM, lateral plate mesoderm; SDECs, somite-derived endothelial cells.

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