A novel social behavior assay distinguishes between social approach and social maintenance behaviors. A, A 3D schematic representation of the social assay experimental setup with a divider obstructing the visual social cue. B, Preference for the blue zone (%) with or without the divider blocking the visual access to social cues in 30-s bins. C, A 2D schematic representation from the top view demonstrating typical traces of the test fish. The interaction zone is marked by the green dotted line. D, A plot showing the time of the first entry of each fish to the white zone and subsequently to the interaction zone. Each event represents an individual’s first entry to each zone, displayed as a percentage of the population (%). E, Time spent in the interaction zone with the divider (60 s) or without the divider (120 s) as a percentage (%) of 30-s bins. F, The position of the test fish on the L-R axis during a typical 25-s period demonstrating stereotypical social interaction behavior. The cumulative time for each interaction is plotted demonstrating the typical duration and the frequency of interactions. Extended Data Figures 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 are available to support this figure. Abbreviations: R, right; M, middle; L, left.
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