Fig. 5

Figures for Zhang et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Depletion of miR-184 resulted in aberrant cell proliferation and elevated p21 levels. (A–E) The mRNA levels of p63, krt15, Her9, Her6, and Hey2 were analyzed in 3-month-old WT and miR-184−/− optic cups (eye tissue without lens). Student t-test was used for statistical analysis, n = 3. p < .05. (F) The TUNEL signals were detected in 1.5-month-old WT and miR-184−/− retinas. The nuclei were stained with DAPI. Bar, 100 μm. (G) The PCNA signals were detected in 1.5-month-old WT and miR-184−/− retinas. The nuclei were stained with DAPI. Bar, 100 μm. (H) The number of PCNA-positive cells in (B) were counted. Student t-test was used for statistical analysis, n = 6. *p < .05. (I–L) The mRNA levels of p21, p27, p57, and p53 were analyzed in 3-month-old WT and miR-184−/− optic cups (eye tissue without lens). Student t-test was used for statistical analysis, n = 3. **p < .01. (M) The p21 mRNA levels were analyzed in 3-month-old WT and miR-184−/− lenses. Student t-test was used for statistical analysis, n = 3. **p < .01.

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