Fig. 5
Sudan Black assessment of neutrophil differentiation at tail-fin injury site at 5 dpf. (A) Brightfield and maximal-intensity projection of widefield fluorescent micrographs of tail fins of Sudan Black (SB)-stained, 5 dpf, TgBAC(mpx:gfp)i114; pik3cdE525K/+and pik3cd+/+ sibling embryos fixed 2 hpi after transection of the tip of the tail fin. Scale bar: 100 µm. (B) Chart of neutrophil counts at tail-fin injury site, from 96 sibling 5 dpf, pik3cdE525K/+and pik3cd+/+ embryos as in A. Counts are shown both for Sudan Black-stained neutrophils and for unstained neutrophils marked by TgBAC(mpx:gfp)i114. Bars show the mean±s.e.m., multiple Mann–Whitney tests. Data shown are from one experiment. A pilot experiment with pik3cdE525K/+ also showed that TgBAC(mpx:gfp)i114-marked cells were almost all Sudan Black stained. (C) Chart of neutrophil counts at tail-fin injury site, from 92 sibling 5 dpf, pik3cdE1017K/+and pik3cd+/+ embryos. Counts are shown both for Sudan Black-stained neutrophils and for unstained neutrophils marked by TgBAC(mpx:gfp)i114. Bars show the mean±s.e.m., multiple Mann–Whitney tests. Data shown are from one experiment.