Fig. 4 A single copy of the miR-430 promoter including stem cell transcription-factor-binding sites is sufficient to activate reporter expression during the minor wave of genome activation
(A) Browser views showing CAGE-seq signal (top track, blue bar) marking the position of the TSS (red arrowheads). ChIP-seq signal of Nanog (purple), Pou5f1 (green), and Sox2 (pink) are shown below. Bottom annotation tracks show the miR-430 gene features, with the core promoter (red), the precursor triplet (blue), and the position of predicted pluripotency-factor-binding sites. Purple dash line marks the Nanog binding site in the core promoter region close to the peak of the Nanog ChIP-seq signal.
(B) Top: schematic of the generation of miR-430 promoter-containing stable transgenics reporter lines using the PhiC31 site specific integration system. Bottom: expression of the reporter miR-430 promoter (left) and γ-crystalline promoter (right), detected by RT-PCR at the indicated stages. Abbreviations: TSS, transcription start site; γ-Cry, γ-crystalline C.
See also Figure S3.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 58, Hadzhiev, Y., Wheatley, L., Cooper, L., Ansaloni, F., Whalley, C., Chen, Z., Finaurini, S., Gustincich, S., Sanges, R., Burgess, S., Beggs, A., Müller, F., The miR-430 locus with extreme promoter density forms a transcription body during the minor wave of zygotic genome activation, 155170.e8155-170.e8, Copyright (2023) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell