Fig. 2
a-b, Overview of the dormant ribosome structure from 1 hpf zebrafish (a) and Xenopus egg (b). Ribosome-associated factors are shown as surface representations; eEF2b and eIF5a correspond to PDB-6MTE18 and PDB-5DAT. c, Density maps (in mesh) of the two modules of the Xenopus dormant ribosome. d, Habp4 and eEF2b (6MTE18) are shown as surface representations in the zebrafish dormant ribosome (left). A rabbit ribosome stalled on an mRNA (6HCF59) is shown for comparison (right). e, Clipping of the zebrafish dormant ribosome shows eIF5a (5DAT) and Dap1b bound within the polypeptide exit tunnel (left). The structure of a stalled human ribosome (6OLE60) containing a nascent polypeptide chain (NPC) and a P/E-tRNA is shown for comparison (right). f, Comparison of the peptidyl-transferase center of a rabbit 80S ribosome stalled with a poly-Lysine NPC and a P/E-tRNA (6SGC61, left) and of the Xenopus dormant ribosome (middle). For comparison, the P/E-tRNA (6SGC61), absent in dormant ribosomes, was superimposed onto the Xenopus egg ribosome (right; eIF5A is hidden). Critical amino acids and 28S rRNA nucleotides are labeled; interactions are depicted with dashed lines. Boxed areas are shown at higher magnification in g. g, A3073 of Xenopus 28S rRNA (bottom; equivalent to A3908 of rabbit 28S, top) displays a different conformation when interacting with Gln108 of Dapl1. h, Distribution of ribosomal particles among the classes obtained with cryoDRGN48. Representative filtered maps of the major classes are shown (Extended Data Fig. 3g, h; Supplementary Table 3; n.a refers to “non-assigned” particles). Ct, C-terminus.