Figure 9
Dkk1 expression in the skin of zebrafish. Immunohistochemical staining against Dkk1 and nuclear counterstain with DAPI in zebrafish that underwent 21 days of DMSO or 21 days of prednisolone treatment. 4 out of 5 zebrafish with prednisolone treatment showed stronger staining in the basal portion of skin than DMSO treated zebrafish (4 out of 5 DMSO treated zebrafish with weak staining in the basal portion of the skin). Scale bar 50 µm. Arrows point to brighter signal in the basal portion of the skin. Asterisks indicate mucous cells. n=5 (4 females, 1 male in DMSO 21d, 5 females in Pred 21d) in both groups with 5 sections per individual.