Fig. 1

Figures for Aakula et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

PME‐1 overexpression associates with PTEN loss and therapy relapse of PTEN‐negative prostate cancer patients. (A) PME‐1 protein expression in PCa tissue microarray material from 358 patients treated primarily with radical prostatectomy in the Helsinki University Hospital between 1983 and 1998 was assessed by immunohistochemical stainings. PME‐1 protein content was scored using 4‐tier scale; negative (not shown), low, intermediate and strong expression. In subsequent clinical analysis negative‐intermediate immunopositivity of PME‐1 was considered as PME‐1 Low, whereas strong PME‐1 immunopositivity was considered as PME‐1 High. Scale bar 1 mm. (B) Kaplan‐Meyer analysis of time to secondary therapies after primary treatment based on PME‐1 status alone. P‐value by log rank test. (C) Assessment of the status of PME‐1 and PTEN in the patient populations and the putative effect on PP2A activity. (D, E) Kaplan‐Meyer analysis of time to secondary therapies after primary treatment based on PME‐1 status in combination with PTEN deletion (D) and AR expression (E). P‐values by log rank test.

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