Figure 3

Figures for Silva et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 3

MCT8MO embryos have altered glial cell development during early neurogenesis. (A) Representative maximum intensity projection images of the spinal cord between somite 8-12 after glial cell labelling with ZRF-1 immunostaining (white, labelling GFAP fibers). In control embryos, at 15hpf glial cell fibers are organized in the developing ventral spinal cord; in MCT8MO embryos, the development of these cells is delayed, and only some scattered GFAP fibers are detected in the ventral-most neural tube. At 22hpf, the neural tube is closed, and glial cells can be detected throughout the spinal cord of CTRLMO and MCT8MO embryos; at 25hpf, the patterning of glial cells is altered in MCT8MO embryos. Red highlight - dorsal views, anterior spinal cord up. Blue highlight - lateral view, anterior spinal cord right. Green highlight - transversal view dorsal spinal cord up. All scale bars represent 25 µm. Dashed yellow lines denote spinal cord boundaries. (B) Quantification of the area of GFAP staining in a 2-myotome length of the spinal cord. n=9-17. CTRL (CTRLMO); MO (MCT8MO). Results are presented as mean ± SD; Statistical significance determined by t-test: two-sample, assuming equal variances: **p<0.01.

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