Figure 2

Figures for Oprişoreanu et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Cimetidine reduces the number of neutrophils in the injury site. A: Representative images of the lateral view of the injury site in the il-1β:GFP line treated with cimetidine and DMSO-control are shown. Broken blue lines outline spinal cord (SC) and lesion site (LS). B, C: At 2 hpl, the total number of neutrophils (B, mpx+, t-test, p* = 0.0143), and the number of double positive neutrophils (C, GFP+/Mpx+ t-test, p* = 0.0279) are reduced by cimetidine treatment. D, E: At 24 hpl, the number of double-positive cells is not altered by cimetidine treatment. Broken yellow lines outline the area of quantification. Scale bar: 100 µm.

Figure Data
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