Fig. 4
(A) Brains and rostral spinal cords of larvae expressing CaSR-EGFP under control of the αTub:Gal4 driver, outlined with white dashed line. Since the αtubulin:Gal4 line also includes a myl7:GFP marker, green hearts are also visible. Top, representative example of a fish from the “low expression” category. Bottom, representative example of a fish from the “high expression” category.
(B) Relative behavioral bias in response to strong acoustic stimuli of CaSR mutants not expressing any CaSR-EGFP (no fill), manually sorted into the “low expression” category (light green fill), or manually sorted into the “high expression” category (bright green fill). Lines represent means +/− SEM.
(C) Relative behavioral bias in response to weak acoustic stimuli of CaSR siblings not expressing any CaSR-EGFP (no fill), manually sorted into the “low expression” category (light green fill), or manually sorted into the “high expression” category (bright green fill). Lines represent means +/− SEM.
(D) Univariate linear models of effects of CaSR-EGFP expression levels in neurons on relative behavioral bias. For the X axis, arbitrary units were used, with 0 corresponding to no CaSR-EGFP expression, 1 to low CaSR-EGFP expression, and 2 to high CaSR-EGFP expression. Red squares, CaSR mutants (from B). Blue circles, CaSR siblings (from C). Mutant linear model slope significantly different from 0, p = 0.0006; R2 = 0.2027. Sibling linear model slope significantly different from 0, p < 0.0001; R2 = 0.3166.