From 3 dpf onwards, OPCs cells spread throughout the visual system. At 3 dpf (a–h), olig2:EGFP/Sox2 cells are present in the INL, GCL, ONH (a, b), the optic chiasm (arrow in c), and the ventricular zones of the brain (arrow in d). Arborized olig2:EGFP cells are negative for Sox2 (arrowhead in d). sox10:tagRFP cells are present in the ONH (e, f) and the optic chiasm (e, arrow in g). Arborized olig2:EGFP/sox10:tagRFP cells are located in the POA with their projections surrounding the ON (arrowheads in g). OT also presented olig2:EGFP/sox10:tagRFP cells (arrowhead in h). At 5 dpf (i–p), olig2:EGFP/Sox2 cells are present in the INL, GCL (i, j), ON (arrow in k), and ventricular zones (arrow in l). olig2:EGFP/sox10:tagRFP cells are found in the ON with projections surrounding it (m, arrow in o), arborized olig2:EGFP/sox10:tagRFP cells are also present in the OT (arrows in p). Calretinin (CR) labels the ganglion cells and the ON. C: cartilage; D: dorsal; GCL: ganglion cell layer; H: hypothalamus; INL: inner nuclear layer; L: lateral; ON: optic nerve; ONH: optic nerve head; OT: optic tectum; POA: preoptic area; VZ: ventricular zone. Scale bar in a, e, i, m: 100 μm; in b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, n, o, p: 50 μm