Fig 8

Figures for Nelson et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig 8 Cluster analysis proposes candidate habituation regulatory modules.

(A) Module 1 (purple) comprises hip14, NMDA, and dopamine receptors. Module 2 (aqua) comprises hip14 and kcna1a. Module 3 (pink) comprises ap2s1, pappaa, and dopamine receptors. Modules 4 and 5 are comprised of cacna2d3 and glycine receptor signaling acting in parallel to all other modules. (B) Regions commonly upregulated by dopamine inhibition, NMDA inhibition, and mutations in hip14 are indicated in purple. (C) Regions upregulated by mutations in kcna1a and hip14 are indicated in blue. (D) Regions downregulated by dopamine receptor inhibition and upregulated by mutations in ap2s1 or pappaa are indicated in pink. Regions upregulated by dopamine receptor inhibition and downregulated by mutations in pappaa or ap2s1 are indicated in yellow. See also S3 Fig for cluster analysis heat map and correlations between pharmacogenetic treatments. In (B-D), signal intensity is proportional to the sum of the absolute intensity values. Abbreviations in (B): NP2 = Rhombencephalon–Neuropil Region 2, X vagus mn cluster = Rhombencephalon—X Vagus motorneuron cluster, Gad1b S = Rhombencephalon Gad1b Stripe 2, NP3 = Rhombencephalon Neuropil Region 3, NNIV = Rhombencephalon—Noradrendergic neurons of the Interfascicular and Vagal areas, Vmat2 S1 = Spinal Cord—Vmat2 Stripe1, Hcrtr S = Spinal Cord—6.7FDhcrtR-Gal4 Stripe, Gad1b S1 = Spinal Cord—Gad1b Stripe 1, R7 = Rhombomere 7, Hcrtr Clust 5 = Rhombencephalon—6.7FDhcrtR-Gal4 Cluster 5, Area postrema = Rhombencephalon Area Postrema, Gad1b Clust 20 = Rhombencephalon—Gad1b Cluster 20. Abbreviations in (C): SF anterior = Rhombencephalon—Spiral Fiber Neuron Anterior cluster, SF posterior = Rhombencephalon—Spiral Fiber Neuron Posterior cluster, Oxtl Clust MC Axon Cap = Rhombencephalon—Oxtl Cluster 2 Near MC axon cap, RoM2 = Rhombencephalon—RoM2, RoM3 = Rhombencephalon–RoM3, MiM1 = Rhombencephalon—MiM1. Abbreviations in (D): DO = Telencephalon—Olfactory bulb dopaminergic neuron areas, Gad1b-C = Telencephalon—Subpallial Gad1b cluster, Isl1-C = Telencephalon—Isl1 clusters 1 and 2, OB = Telencephalon—Olfactory Bulb, Subpall = Telencephalon–Subpallium, Pallium = Telencephalon–Pallium, Vmat2-S = Rhombencephalon—Vmat2 Stripe2, GlyT2-S = Rhombencephalon—Glyt2 Stripe 2, Isl1b-S = Rhombencephalon Isl1 Stripe1, Gad1b-C = Rhombencephalon—Gad1b Cluster 20, Gad1b-S = Rhombencephalon—Gad1b Stripe 2, TH-C = Rhombencephalon—Small cluster of TH stained neurons

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