Fig. 2
Negative OKAN can be elicited by asymmetric optokinetic stimulation
(A and B) Typical eye-position traces with corresponding slow-phase velocities (SPVs) of zebrafish larvae under 10/10 symmetric alternating (SA) (A), and 20/5 asymmetric alternating (AA) (B) stimulations. The SPV was estimated as the median velocity in the first second of each slow phase (shaded area) after discarding the quick-phase eye movement (triangle). The stimulus image pattern (darkness or gratings) and the stimulus velocity are shown on the top as horizontal bars and lines, respectively. At the bottom, the magnified traces are shown to better demonstrate the transition phases from pre-stimulatory darkness to optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and from OKN to post-stimulatory darkness. Positive values represent movements to the left (counterclockwise), and negative values represent movements to the right (clockwise).