The Spontaneous Swimming Activity of Zebrafish Larvae in Continuous Dark (Light-OFF). (A–D) Spontaneous larval swimming activity was assessed in a free-swimming assay under dark (light-OFF) conditions for 5 min (A, B) The distance larvae swam (mm) lacking the gjd2b/Cx35.1 gene was indistinguishable from the WT. (C, D) The duration (s) of larval swimming bouts was assessed by analyzing the burst and coast swimming modalities separately. Gjd2 −/− /Cx35.1−/− larvae demonstrated a significant reduction in the coast duration under darkness in comparison to the WT, suggesting that dominant swimming competence was compromised in a light-dependent manner. All else was indistinguishable from the WT. The statistical significance was determined by the Two-Way ANOVA test with the light-ON dataset, p ≤ 0.05. The sample size (N) was 72 for WT-type and gjd2b −/− /Cx35.1−/− larvae.