Figure 2
The shank2b−/− deficient zebrafish displayed autism-like behaviors. (A) Schematic diagram of the social preference test of adult male zebrafish. (B) The shank2b−/− zebrafish displayed a significantly reduced preference for conspecifics compared to WT (time ratio, ** p = 0.0063; distance ratio, ** p = 0.0057; WT, n = 12, shank2b−/−, n = 18, Student’s t test). Data are shown as mean ± SEM. (C) Schematic diagram of the kin preference test of adult male zebrafish. (D) The shank2b−/− zebrafish significantly preferred spending time exploring non-kin sector to interact with red fish (n = 15, * p = 0.0278, paired t test), whereas WT zebrafish preferred conspecifics (n = 11, * p = 0.0498, paired t test). (E) In addition, the mutants displayed a significantly reduced kin preference index compared to WT zebrafish (time ratio, ** p = 0.0018; distance ratio, *** p = 0.007; Student’s t test). Data are shown as mean ± SEM. (F) The stereotyped swimming patterns in zebrafish are shown as “small circle” and “walling”. (