Figure 6
(A) Heatmap of the average expression in selected cell states for each gene along the hepatocyte branch. The scaled expression values are average expression values that have been normalized to the minimum and maximum values in each row. The color key from blue to red indicates low to high scaled expression levels, respectively. There is an elevation of transcription factor expression at 2 dpa. (B and C) Immunofluorescence showing Anxa4 (magenta) and Prox1a (green) or Hnf4a (green) signal in adult livers of animals regenerating from hepatocyte ablation. Time points shown are Prox1a: mock (n = 7), 0 dpa (n = 9), 1 dpa (n = 8), 2 dpa (n = 8), and 3 dpa (n = 9); Hnf4a: mock (n = 8), 0 dpa (n = 6), 1 dpa (n = 7), 2 dpa (n = 6), and 3 dpa (n = 9). Prox1a signal in Anxa4+ cells is elevated from 2 to 3 dpa. Nuclear Hnf4a signal is visible in Anxa4+ cells from 2 to 3 dpa. Number of animals resembling the representative image are in white in the lower right corner of each image. Scale bars: 50 μm.