Fig. 3 A minority of CPATs are involved in proteostasis
(A) Venn diagram depicting overlap of UPR Genes annotated to REACT_18356, GO :0034976, and GO:0006986 in humans obtained from Reactome and AmiGO respectively. (B) Human UPR genes were converted to zebrafish homologs (turquoise) for integration with CPATs (green) with bona fide CPATs shown in black. Significant enrichment of CPATs in UPR gene dataset was determined by Fisher's exact test. (C) & (D) Gene ontology-based cellular component or biological process overrepresentation analysis of overlapping and non-overlapping CPATs and UPR genes and of CPATs that are not UPR targets; terms related to proteostasis are blue. Statistically significant results are plotted with point size depicting fraction of genes in each gene list annotated to each GO term; point numbers showing the exact number of genes annotated. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)