Fig. 4
(A) Innervation of a PLL neuromast with 14 hair cells belonging to two equal populations of opposing polarities (rostro-caudal and caudo-rostral). Neuron identities were assigned by correlating anatomical ssEM data to fluorescent labeling of efferent types in the same neuromast. (Videos S1 and S2.) (B-E) Examples of specific connections. (Video S3.) (B) Hair cells (HC) and afferent neurons (AF) connect via ribbon synapses (right arrowhead). An efferent (EF) OEN terminal containing synaptic vesicles contacts the hair cell base containing postsynaptic membrane specializations (left arrowhead). (C) A vesicle-rich dopaminergic efferent terminal in the proximity of a hair cell. Note the distance between the efferent membrane and the hair cell, and the intercalated support cells (SC). (D) A vesicle-filled profile from a DELL efferent axon within the axon bundle, in close apposition to afferent neurites carrying information from both polarities. (E) An OEN efferent axon with vesicle release sites, in close apposition to an afferent neurite within the axon bundle that innervates the neuromast. (F) Histogram showing the distances between DELL (orange) or OEN (red) vesicle sites and the closest hair cell. (G) Connectivity matrix tallying all synaptic contacts observed in this neuromast. See also Figure S4.