Fig. 4
Single-cell sequencing reveals a Wnt responding regenerating cardiomyocyte population during the first week of zebrafish heart regeneration
(A) Schematic of the scRNA-sequencing set-up.
(B) Principle component analysis of the sequenced cells for UI, 3 dpi, and 7 dpi zebrafish hearts.
(C) A heatmap of the genes that highlight the identity of the cell type in each cluster.
(D) Transcript levels of the proliferation marker pcna in each of the clusters identifies cluster 1 as a main regenerating cluster.
(E) Principle component analysis of the sequenced cells for UI, 3 dpi, and 7 dpi zebrafish hearts separated by cluster and labeled by time.
(F) Circle plot of significantly changed genes in dynamically changed pathways during the first week of zebrafish heart regeneration.
(G) Transcript levels of Myc target genes (electron transport chain genes) that are significantly upregulated in the subpopulation of cluster 1 cardiomyocytes that are proliferating (pcna positive). ∗p < 0.05. Source data are provided as a Data S2.