Fig. 4
Red diamonds in each plot indicate the mean ± SE values. a Lateral line intact fish (gray = control, n = 248 fish) have a longer mean duration of rheotaxis events during flow stimulus than lesioned fish (blue = CuSO4, n = 204 fish; green = neomycin, n = 222 fish; 18 experimental sessions). b The mean number of 0° orientation and rheotaxis events was greatest for neomycin fish and the least for CuSO4 fish under no flow and flow conditions, respectively. c Under no flow, neomycin fish traveled a greater total distance than control and CuSO4 fish; but under flow, neomycin and CuSO4 fish traveled a greater total distance than control fish. d Compared to control and neomycin fish, CuSO4 fish had the longest mean latency to the onset of the first rheotaxis event after flow stimulus presentation. Lines indicate statistical comparisons between control and treatment groups (see Supplementary Tables 4–7). The effects of treatment are indicated by long color-coded bars with branches, whereas interactions are indicated with short bars. Significance values: *=0.05, **=0.01.