Fig. 4
a, b A horizontal optical slice of utricle in a 5 dpf transgenic fish, Tg(myo6b:jGCaMP7f; s100s-hs:tdTomato). Striola is enclosed by a dashed line. Scale bar: 10 ?m. R: rostral. L: lateral. Similar results were obtained in 6 experiments. c, d Summary of HC response vectors from 6 utricles. Mean ?R/R0 vectors per grid. Striola is enclosed by a dashed line. Black scale bar: 10 ?m. c Orientation and length of arrows indicate preferred (magenta)/anti-preferred (cyan) direction and ?R/R0 amplitude, respectively. Magenta and cyan scale bars: 100% ?R/R0 (d) orientation and length of bars indicate stimulus direction and ?R/R0 amplitude, respectively. Magenta scale bar: 20% ?R/R0. e Polar histogram showing number of HCs (radial axis) against HC polarity (angular axis) determined by orientation of tilt response vectors. Bin size: 10°. f Example of HC groups, each of which has a similar polarity (top). Color code for HC polarity groups with bin size 10° (bottom). g, h Pairwise comparison of mean ?R/R0 response vector length between striolar and extrastriolar HCs in 6 utricles (18 HC polarity groups). Color code shown in (f). Two-sided Wilcoxon signed-rank test (g, p = 1.1 × e?4; h, p = 7.6 × e?6). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.